Featured Post New! Slimming World salt and pepper chips Our super-simple recipe brings the fakeaway flavour, taking the humble chip to new levels...
Slimming World matcha lattes Choose between hot or iced in a selection of flavours to find your perfect matcha!
Slimming World 5 ingredient recipes Are you a fan of fuss-free mealtimes? Give four delicious dishes from our Take 5 Free recipe book a go...
Cherry cola float Beat the heat with this nostalgic treat. It’s sweet, refreshing and there’s even a cherry on top!
Let’s grill! Slimming World BBQ recipes Form an orderly barbe-queue! It’s time to take Food Optimising al fresco with our collection of Slimming World BBQ recipes
Freedom to enjoy summer treats Chill out in the sunshine with our slimming-friendly recipes, from fruity lollies and frappés to peanut butter ice cream and chocolate waffles…