Featured Post New! Slimming World salt and pepper chips Our super-simple recipe brings the fakeaway flavour, taking the humble chip to new levels...
New! Slimming World custard Nothing beats a dessert drenched in custard, and after you’ve tried our easy slimming-friendly recipe, you’ll never go back to the tinned version again.
New! Self-saucing chocolate pudding – with video This slow-cooked chocolate dessert has a pool of delicious choc sauce hidden beneath the sponge...
Cinnamon bun mug cake Sink your spoon into our new microwave mug cake, with warming spice flavours, juicy raisins and a dollop of sweet topping
Apple and blackberry tea Fancy a cuppa? This tea is both warming and refreshing. It's a great alternative to alcohol too!
Slimming World Marmite pasta Jars at the ready for our creamy Marmite pasta recipe – this 30-minute wonder makes an easy, speedy and delicious dinner