Featured Post New! Slimming World salt and pepper chips Our super-simple recipe brings the fakeaway flavour, taking the humble chip to new levels...
New! Slimming World bao in a bowl Chinese-style pulled pork with slaw – serve it with or without a batch of steamed bao buns
New! Vegan baking ideas (and more…) Tuck into some slimming-friendly treats with our vegan baking recipes – which will be your star bake?
Slimming World Marmite roast potatoes Ramp up the flavour of your roast with a spoonful of this savoury spread for toast!
Pumpkin spice and nutty toffee lattes Bring the coffee shop to you with our new Slimming World hot drinks – they're like an autumn hug in a mug!
New! Slimming World carrot cake oat biscuits All the flavours of a carrot cake in a slimming-friendly oat biscuit – yum!