Featured Post New! Slimming World salt and pepper chips Our super-simple recipe brings the fakeaway flavour, taking the humble chip to new levels...
Slimming World pasta bake Everyone loves a filling, comforting Slimming World pasta bake – and our Food Optimised tuna version is easy-cheesy to make, too!
Seasonal shopping list: April Shop the season for the tastiest fruit and veg and enjoy spring recipes bursting with fresh flavours
Slimming World school cake (with video) Tuck into a taste of childhood with a slice of this slimming-friendly version of a sweet and sticky school cake – with sprinkles!
Meatball pasta bake recipe Try a tempting taster of our Passion for Pasta (and Noodles!) recipe book with this meatball pasta bake recipe
Get set for Chinese New Year with Slimming World Chopsticks at the ready! Celebrate a slimming-friendly Chinese New Year with tasty Slimming World Chinese recipes
Slimming World 7-day menu – tested! We’ve put our one-week eating plan to the taste test, with a little help from Slimming World members and our social media team. The verdict? Mmm… mouth-watering!