Featured Post New! Slimming World salt and pepper chips Our super-simple recipe brings the fakeaway flavour, taking the humble chip to new levels...
Banging Bonfire Night recipes! Campfire stew, pie and peas, toffee apples... warm up the Slimming World way with delicious slimming-friendly food
Diet cola gammon with egg, chips and coleslaw This delicious dish couldn’t be simpler... Pop your gammon in the slow cooker with a not-so-secret ingredient for a meltingly tender, mouth-wateringly tasty teatime treat!
Two meals in one: Slow-cooker chicken Love your leftovers with this clever recipe which makes a classic casserole and a creamy pasta dish
We’re shining a light on delicious Diwali recipes Celebrate the Hindu festival with these colourful slimming-friendly dishes
New! Slow cooker rice pudding – 3 ways When it’s wet and windy outside, a warming pud really hits the spot. Which flavour will you choose?
New! Slimming World Halloween doughnuts Our gruesomely glazed treats are fully Food Optimised, to help you avoid a scare on the scales