Hi, Nikki here from the social media team at Slimming World Head Office – I’m thrilled to be sharing some posts from our community that have left me feeling inspired, uplifted and full of #ThatFeeling as we’ve been preparing for our return to real-life groups.
We’ve seen so much positivity, praise and applause for the Slimming Worlders who have helped each other on their weight loss journeys during this difficult and challenging time. More than anything else, it’s been so moving to see all of our members and Consultants publicly celebrating their champion cheerleaders, slim-down superstars and weight-loss wizards! I wanted to share a handful of the gorgeous messages and shout-outs I’ve seen that have made me even more excited for the next few weeks, as we all start coming back together again.
You can find your nearest Slimming World group here.
Seeing our members thanking that special someone in their group – that person who’s there through the highs and the lows – is one of the things I love most about Slimming World and our community. That unique feeling of being together with people who understand, care and are there to help is what makes Slimming World groups so amazing. Joanna and Siobhan sum this up perfectly in their posts below:
“As a long-standing target member, Pauline has heard and seen it all before – but she still has time, empathy and a smile for all members. She’s always sociable, always offers words of encouragement, and knows just what to say when you step on those scales.” – Joanna
“When lockdown started, I lost my way – but Sarah didn’t let me give up on myself. I got little things through the post from her to remind me to keep going. She checked in on me constantly, and helped me to see that I needed the support of my group.” – Siobhan
While we’re all really looking forward to meeting with our friends and fellow members in person again, some of us may also be feeling nervous or worried. A warm welcome and some encouraging words can make all the difference to giving us all a positive lift – and helping us get back on our weight loss journey. Of course, we’re also committed to making real-life groups as safe and welcoming as possible, too!
MORE ON THE BLOG: Keeping your weight loss safe and sound
As well as thanking others for keeping you on track through lockdown, many of you wanted to cheer on someone you thought deserved a little boost:
“Caroline constantly tries and fights so many battles – and I know she has it in her to succeed. She just needs to keep going and doing all she can, and she will get to where she wants to be!” – Sabrina
We all know, myself included, that sometimes things don’t go quite to plan. And that’s where having the support of people who understand and empathise – and who you can share with and learn from – in a real-life group is the best way to achieve your goals! Carole’s post is a shining example of the strength of the bonds between our members.
“My Slimming World friend Claire has lost nearly 7st and is almost at her target! She has a demanding job in a care home and a wee girl to look after, so she has found lockdown tough. Even so, she really inspired me when I joined the group with lots of tips, her encyclopaedic knowledge of the Slimming World plan. I love you Claire – keep going!” – Carole.
Hands up if you have a member like Claire in your Slimming World group? They might have lots going on at home or at work (or even both at the same time!) – and, of course they’re focused on their own weight loss journey – but they always have the time to share their experiences and expertise. This sort of support is invaluable for newer members, and members who may be facing challenges along the way. If that rings a bell, give your fountain of Food Optimising knowledge a little boost and let them know how amazing you think they are by posting on social media using #ThatFeeling!

It hasn’t just been Slimming World members thanking and celebrating each other. Consultants have been letting the world know about those members who take caring and sharing to the next level:
“Amy has inspired all of my members with her slimming journey. Lockdown hasn’t hindered her at all – and I’m sure she will be at target by the time we weigh in at our first real-life group! Amy, you’re a true inspiration… sharing meal ideas and helping to keep members motivated through the toughest of times. Group wouldn’t be the same without you!” – Sarah
With that kind of determination, I’m sure you’ll soon reach your target of losing an incredible 7st 7lbs too, Amy!
And – in true Slimming World style – our members have been sharing the love right back at our Consultants! I loved this comment that Cath shared about her Consultant Ian – it truly shows the sense of togetherness that has always been at the heart of our community, and especially during lockdown:
“Ian has been amazing. He’s kept us on track and always shows his humorous side. I’m looking forward to being back in group and seeing all the Slimming World buddies face-to-face… and I know Ian will be his usual supportive self. Thanks Ian – you’re the best!” – Cath.
We’re so lucky in the #SlimmingWorld social media team to see all these positive posts and to be part of such a genuinely caring community. So, of course, the final huge thank you has to be from us at Slimming World to all of you! Even while we’ve been apart, #ThatFeeling of togetherness has stayed strong and the bonds between our members and Consultants have remained unbreakable.
Head to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages to see for yourself – and remember that you can join the conversation, and inspire and uplift your fellow Slimming Worlders, by using #ThatFeeling on your social media posts!
If you’d like to find out more about joining a supportive Slimming World group, your local Consultant will be very happy to help.