Move Slimming World mythbusters: Exercise and weight loss We tackle the fake news about fitness and give you the low-down on how we can help you get active for a fit, healthy, slim-for-life future
Discover Tips to help you snooze more – and lose more! We share the results of our sleep study, with advice on how to break the vicious sleep cycle and wake up to weight loss success
Eat Slimming World Irish stew and colcannon Are you on the look-out for slimming-friendly Irish recipes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day? You’re in luck!
Eat Fakeaway feasts: Healthy curry recipe ideas Our Consultant Georgina Wallace inspires us to cook up a curry storm – you’d be mad-ras to miss this!
Discover Blackpool Tower goes golden! To celebrate Slimming World’s 50th year, this iconic seaside landmark shone gold!
Discover Christmas Countdown: Eat, plan and be merry! With Slimming World support, you can enjoy all the fun of the festive season – and still make your weight loss wishes come true
Discover My healthy holiday: Kefalonia SW Nic shares her healthy holiday to Kefalonia. Discover delicious Greek recipes and get the holiday low-down on this gorgeous Greek island
Discover Did you catch the golden bus this summer? The golden bus hit the road to celebrate 50 years of Slimming World. Catch up on all the news from our summer holiday!
Inspire I won the lottery – and lost control of my weight! A big lottery win sent Julie’s weight spiralling. Luckily, Slimming World has put her back in control of her weight loss destiny