Move Slimming World mythbusters: Exercise and weight loss We tackle the fake news about fitness and give you the low-down on how we can help you get active for a fit, healthy, slim-for-life future
Discover Tips to help you snooze more – and lose more! We share the results of our sleep study, with advice on how to break the vicious sleep cycle and wake up to weight loss success
Eat Slimming World Irish stew and colcannon Are you on the look-out for slimming-friendly Irish recipes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day? You’re in luck!
Discover Revealed! Food Optimising works for all the family Research shows that many parents who are trying to slim want their children to live healthier lives, too. Find out how our Family Affair programme can help you take healthy habits home
Eat Slimming World mug cakes Chocolate or carrot – which of our quick and easy microwave puds will you choose?
Inspire “I thought I was too young to have a stroke” A frightening health scare spurred Jamie Woodend to lose more than 4st. Find out how to spot the signs of stroke – and how you can cut your risk.
Eat Winner! Moorish spiced chicken and aubergine rolls Discover our Free Food Festival recipe winner – and make the dish at home
Discover Eat better, together Do you want to eat more healthily with your family? Discover how you can serve up crowd-pleasing favourites, while bringing great eating habits to the table!
Inspire “Slimming World helped me to control my emotional eating” Embarrassed about her weight, Tansy Arnett turned to food for comfort. Here’s how she broke her cycle of emotional eating and found a confident outlook on life