Discover What’s on the Slimming World Kitchen menu? Dive into our healthy, tasty recipe box... try our Tuscan salmon stew, mushroom dhansak... and more!
Eat Slimming World pancake platter Gather your favourite toppings and combine them with our slimming-friendly pancakes to make a sharing board that tastes flippin’ pan-tastic!
Inspire Three delicious ways to follow Food Optimising Whether you love to cook from scratch, enjoy our Food Range meals or are tempted by our convenient recipe boxes, we’ve got you covered
Move Run with us for 30% off entry Sign up to run, walk or jog a 2025 Race for Life event with Slimming World and get a special limited-time discount
Eat Slimming World’s Big Daddy burger When only the biggest burger will do, bite down on the Big Daddy burger!
Inspire 3 ways to stay motivated during lockdown Psychologist, author and broadcaster Dr Linda Papadopoulos shares how we can keep on track with our weight loss goals as lockdown rules are relaxed
Discover Penne for your thoughts on our quick chicken carbonara Fancy a faster pasta dish? Our food range now includes chicken carbonara, king prawn linguine and more! Head of food and publications, Allison Brentnall, taglia-tells us all about it...
Inspire “I’m ready for my bright future” Holly was bullied through her school years for being overweight. We find out how she lost over 8st to become our confident, clothes-loving Young Slimmer of the Year 2020
Inspire “I’ve reversed my type 2 diabetes” When she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and given a shocking warning, Tracy McCormack knew it was time to tackle her weight. In her own words, here’s how she lost over 16st and turned her health around...
Move “I’m lacing up my trainers during lockdown” After a 5st 10lbs weight loss with Slimming World, primary school teacher Natalie is running her way towards a healthier body and mind