From festive markets and late-night shopping trips, to office parties and nights out with friends – the build up to Christmas can be a tricky time when we want to lose weight. If you’d love to slim your way through the season and start the new year on a high, Slimming World is the only little helper you need!
Together’s where the magic happens
Each week between now and Christmas, you’ll find a gift-wrapped bundle of motivation and inspiration in Slimming World groups and on Slimming World Online – with everything you need to bag yourself an amazing weight loss while enjoying all the festivities.
Week one – savvy shopping
We’ll help you navigate those trigger foods, danger zones and sabotage traps at the supermarket (which we know has temptation galore at this time of year).
Fill your trolley the Slimming World way

Week two – Halloween, Diwali and Bonfire Night
This week in group and on Slimming World Online… frightfully good recipes to help you stay on track over the spooky season, plus plenty of dymamite ideas to light up their Diwali and Bonfire Night.
Deliciously wicked Halloween party ideas
Light up the night with these delicious Diwali recipes
Have a bangin’ Bonfire Night with Slimming World

Week three – Coffee shops and eating out
This week in group and on Slimming World Online we’ll be looking at slimming-friendly coffee shop swaps and how you absolutely can enjoy eating out while losing weight.
Eating out the Slimming World way
NEW White chocolate hot chocolate
NEW Pumpkin spice and nutty toffee lattes

Week four – Feel inspired by our amazing slimmers
Listening to other members share their stories can be incredibly motivating – and our research shows that feeling connected in a group of kind and understanding people – who care about your success and positively support you to succeed – makes all the difference when you’re trying to lose weight. You’ll find endless inspiration in Slimming World groups and in the Slimming World Online Community.
Pop your feet up and read some of our real-life success stories
Our Miss Slinky and Mr Sleek 2022 share their stories
Week five – Budget-friendly comfort food
Money is definitely on all of our minds at the moment, and at Slimming World we’re committed to helping our members eat well on any budget. There’s so much recipe-sharing in our groups and in the Slimming World Online Community, plus cooking and shopping tips to help stretch your budget further – while slimming!
5 budget-friendly meal ideas
Slimming World members share their best money-saving ideas
Week six – Going for goals
It’s half-time in our season of support! With the World Cup about to kick-off, we’ll be sharing our game-changing tactics to set you up for a winning weight loss in groups and on Slimming World Online.
Fantastic footy food for the World Cup
Go for your goals: 6 tips for weight loss success
Week seven – Winter Body Magic
We’re boosting up that Body Magic motivation at Slimming World this week. We’ll help you to overcome any activity barriers this winter, to enjoy the amazing benefits that moving more can bring.
“We’ve achieved things we never imagined were possible”
Break through your festive fitness barriers
Get fit for life with Slimming World Body Magic
Week eight – Your ticket to the party season
There’s snow reason for any Slimming World member to ever turn down a party invite. We’ll help you to make a party food plan so you can rock around the Christmas tree with family and friends – and still feel your festive best when Big Ben starts to bong.
Make a holly jolly party plan with our slimming strategies and party food ideas.
Week nine – Making a safe tipple plan
Slimming World members don’t have to miss out on gin o’clock or mistletoe-and-wine. Whether you love a cheeky cocktail or are channelling your inner Christmas angel and going alcohol-free, we’ll help you enjoy some slimming-friendly sparkle this festive season.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas without putting your weight loss on the rocks
Week 10 – Plan for slimming success
While it may be the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas can also bring some worries if you’re trying to lose weight. Never fear – our Father Christmas hats are firmly on in Slimming World groups, where we’ll be sharing expert tools and tips to help you stay on track.
5 ways to a very merry weight loss
Week 11 – Let’s get Christmassy!
The one week countdown has commenced and it’s party time at Slimming World! Come along to your local group to join the best Christmas party in town – and get all the support you need to plan and enjoy an amazing Christmas while still looking and feeling fantastic.
Festive food swaps for a slimming-friendly Christmas dinner
Santa makes mince pies
Make a full Christmas dinner in your air fryer