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Inside our gut there’s a thriving community of bacteria that helps to look after our health and wellbeing, and it’s now thought that a healthy gut microbiome plays a part in reducing the risk of a number of health conditions. As the benefits of good gut health become more widely known, many of us are thinking about what we could do to support those helpful gut bacteria. 

How to improve gut health 

The great news for Slimming World members is that the best way to look after our gut microbiome is to eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet, featuring plenty of fibre-rich foods. Our healthy eating plan, Food Optimising, has been designed by our expert team of nutritionists to follow government nutrition guidelines – including getting the recommended daily intake of fibre – while flexibly supporting your lifestyle. So following Food Optimising supports good gut health and helps you reach and maintain your dream weight!

Good gut health foods at a glance: 

wholewheat pasta 
brown rice 
potatoes with the skins on 
wholemeal bread 
legumes (chickpeas, lentils and beans) 
live yogurts (such as Yakult and Actimel) 

This massaman curry includes chickpeas and potatoes, and goes brilliantly with a side of brown rice.

More tips to help improve your gut health 

Slimming World members will find a full gut health guide on our exclusive member app and website, including a deep-dive into why good gut health is so important and expert advice on how to keep yours in tip-top condition.  

You’ll also find articles covering other health and wellbeing topics, including IBS, food allergies, cholesterol, high blood pressure, coeliac disease, menopause, diabetes and much more. 

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