Like many overweight people, I joined Slimming World because I was incredibly unhappy and desperate to lose weight. That first day of walking through those doors was the bravest but best decision I've ever made and I’ve never looked back. Food Optimising quickly became an easy and natural way of life for me and my family when I see them. They all love it and always request certain dishes that are their most favourite within the plan! I lost three stones and reached target within six months and I now feel fabulous - and wearing heels again! I became a Consultant in 2017 and can’t get enough of helping people! Each year my member lose in excess of 1,000st!! I couldn’t be more proud. Come and join us and let us help you achieve your dreams x
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Slimming World?
Lisa at Bramford Road Methodist Church
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If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.