Group is always a lively fun place to be and I love all my members. They have embraced Food Optimising and Body Magic and we’d love you to be part of it. It’s something special that I’ve only ever experienced with Slimming World. What are you waiting for? Join us and together we’ll help you achieve whatever your dream weight loss may be. We can’t wait to meet you. I joined Slimming World, as I had done it before and reached target. I felt awful having to return and I felt like such a failure. What I did learn was that no judgement was ever made. I could lose the weight and still enjoy my favourites, such as steak and chips and cottage pie. Food Optimising has changed me so much, I never realised it would become my career!
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Karen at Horncastle Community Centre
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If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.