I joined Slimming World as a member over 15 years ago, weighing over 17 stones and a size 22. I had terrible pain in my knees and I could hardly walk but I'm so glad I plucked up the courage to join. I worried I was going to be the heaviest there, but I couldn't have received a warmer welcome and never dreamt one year later I would be running a group myself after losing over six stones. Slimming World has changed my life completely! This year I will have been at my target weight for 15 years and I’m still as passionate as ever to help support people on their individual weight loss journeys. We pride ourselves at St Marks on supporting every single member, every single week and really look forward to meeting you much love Sylv x
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Sylvia at St Marks Church
Your Consultant is
St Marks Church
St Marks Road
North Somerset
07795 562422
Venue accessibility
Wheelchair access
Disabled parking
If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.