Hello, Iʼm Andrew and Iʼve been a Consultant since 2021 (and a member since 2019). I joined my local group after coming back from a trip to the seaside and not liking the photos of myself – I went on to lose 2st 9lbs! Slimming World has changed my life – both as a member and as a Consultant. I’ve learned how to live a healthier lifestyle that never leaves me feeling hungry or deprived. I eat delicious meals based on unlimited Free Foods, which both myself and my family enjoy. For me, Slimming World was as much about feeling better as it was about losing weight. Now, I enjoy and live life to the full. Why not find out more about how you could reach your dream weight? I look forward to helping you xx
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Andrew at Balne Lane Community Centre
Your Consultant is
Balne Lane Community Centre
Balne Lane
West Yorkshire
Venue accessibility
Wheelchair access
If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.