I joined Slimming World in 2016 because Iʼd heard it was simple and I’d seen friends and family members follow the plan and do well. They seemed to be eating normal food and losing weight! Having tried so many diets – without success – Iʼd decided this would be my last attempt. And I couldn’t believe it – the meals WERE normal! I ate big portions and never felt hungry, and I got to target having gained a whole new outlook on food. I was so excited to share what I’d learnt, I became a Consultant. My groups lost 453st in 2019 and each week Iʼm proud to stand up in front of the most welcoming, friendly group of people I know. We learn, we laugh... I love it – and so will you!
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Ria at Heswall Football Club
Your Consultant is
Heswall Football Club
Brimstage Road
07497 810820
Venue accessibility
Wheelchair access
Disabled parking
If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.