I joined Slimming World as I was unhappy with my weight after having 2 children in just over 1 year. I walked into my first ever group and was welcomed by a lovely Consultant, introduced to a fantastic eating plan (little did I know that it would change my way of eating for life!). In my first week I had lost 3.5 pounds and was thrilled but it didn't stop there - within the next 3 months I lost a total of 2st 5lbs. I found I had more energy, confidence and knew I would be able to Food Optimise forever. I have now been a Consultant for 6 years and have loved seeing the change in people, knowing that I've been there to help and support them.
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Tracey at Gillingham Social Club
Your Consultant is
Gillingham Social Club
Hardings Lane
Venue accessibility
Wheelchair access
Disabled toilet
Disabled parking
If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.