Stepping out of the changing room in a pair of 38in-waist skinny jeans was a big moment for me. Only a year before, I’d struggled to squeeze into a pair of 48in-waist jeans, and had ended up bursting into tears of frustration and disappointment. Because it wasn’t just the jeans – it was the fact that I was failing to keep a promise I’d made to someone special.  

Fitting into the skinny jeans was a symbol of how far I’d come. At that point, I’d lost 7st with Slimming World and transformed my health – and I really wished I could share the news with the person who’d set me on this journey in the first place... my mum.  

Mum had worried about my weight for years – and I’d steadily got bigger, mostly thanks to my love of chocolate. I was so hooked on it that my nickname was my favourite chocolate bar, and I’d keep a secret stash at the back of a drawer. 

One of Mum’s biggest worries was the fact I struggled to breathe at night, and I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea around the same time that she developed a different breathing illness. As her health declined, she made me promise to lose some weight – but sadly, she died 18 months later, before I’d followed up on my vow. 

After being consumed by grief for the next six months, I decided to try to make good on my promise by joining Slimming World. The weight came off – a whole 7st of it in one year – but then the number on the scales seemed to stick, and I lost my motivation. I drifted away from group, went back to my old ways and regained all the weight I’d lost.  

In 2021, with Mum’s voice in the back of my mind, I was ready to give it another go – and this time I was more prepared for the challenges ahead. Here’s how I went on to lose 10st 1lb... 

  1. I chose a different group at a more convenient time, so I had no excuse to skip the weekly support that was vital for keeping me motivated.

  2. Looking back, I realised that one of the reasons I’d gone off track before was because I’d allowed my food choices to become repetitive. My Consultant, Lauren, encouraged me to look on the members’ app and website for inspiration.

  3. I work long hours as an HGV driver, and service stations were a danger zone for me. I started batch-cooking healthy curries so I had leftovers to take with me in a flask.

  4. I needed help to tackle my biggest trigger – chocolate! Someone in group recommended I try dark chocolate nibs, which were only a couple of Syns each, and I found they gave me the chocolate kick I loved.

  5. When I joined Slimming World, there wasn’t a sport or activity I felt able to do. Lauren helped me overcome my lack of confidence through Slimming World’s Body Magic physical activity support programme, and I realised that there was something very simple I could do – walking!  

Now, I know I have the tools, support and motivation to keep up my weight loss for good. My Slimming World family is an amazing support network, and being able to shout about my achievements with my actual family gives me a boost, too. 

Just the other day, I shared a picture on our WhatsApp group of me in a size L shirt (I used to have to shop for 4XLs) and a reply from my aunt made me well up. The message read: ‘You know, Andrew, your mum would be so proud of you.’ She’s right, I know she would. And this time, I’ll be keeping the promise I made Mum – forever.

Take the next step towards finding your Slimming World family

You can read Andrew’s full story, alongside many more inspiring Slimming World member stories, in the Aug/Sept issue of Slimming World Magazine – available to buy in Slimming World groups and on newsstands now! 

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.