Three or four nights a week, my evening routine would be to settle down with a bottle of Prosecco while I waited for my takeaway to arrive.  

It wasn’t just dinner times that were a danger zone for me, though. Breakfast was usually three crumpets with butter and cheese, then I’d have a cheese and mayonnaise baguette – plus a sharing bag of crisps and a chocolate bar – for lunch. In the evenings, the alcohol often spurred me into eating more chocolate and unhealthy snacks. I was in a vicious cycle and my weight crept up to nearly 17st. 

I was getting concerned about my health, and a visit to my doctor confirmed what I already knew – I needed to make a big change. My cholesterol was high, and putting me at increased risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Alongside this serious health issue, I was struggling to keep up at work. As a Border Force officer, my job can be very physical – I need to be able to react quickly, climb and get into small spaces to conduct my searches. All of this was becoming more and more difficult, and my energy levels were at rock bottom. 

A friend suggested that we join Slimming World together – and I’ve never looked back. I’d avoided diets for years, and if I did ever try to eat more healthily, I’d go back to my old habits within a few days. Slimming World was different. It didn’t feel like a diet – it’s a simple and healthy lifestyle change, and one where you can still have treats, so you don’t feel too restricted.  

I really love going to group. My Consultant is so supportive, and we have loads of fun in the weekly meetings – they’re always full of laughter! I get loads of great ideas for recipes while I’m there, too. As a mum of three, it’s important to me that everyone can eat the food I’m cooking at home. I don’t want to make different meals just for me – so now everyone’s eating more healthily, and enjoying what I dish up! 

One of the biggest changes I made after I joined was cutting down on alcohol. Now my typical evening drink is a cup of tea, which I have with a Slimming World Hi-fi bar. Of course, I can still enjoy a glass of fizz when I really want one, but I’m no longer drinking a bottle or two in a night. And that means I’m far less likely to want to order a Chinese or pizza, or start on the chocolate snacking. 

These days, I love a lean steak with potatoes and vegetables for dinner. Lunch is often a ham or tuna salad with flavoured rice, and breakfast is usually an omelette with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and spinach, or no-added-sugar muesli with milk and chopped banana. I still enjoy plenty of snacks during the day, but I’ve swapped the crisps and chocolate for fruit, high-protein yogurt, Babybel Light cheeses and fruit sorbet. I’m never hungry! 

Losing 5½st (35kg) with Slimming World has helped me do my job to my full potential – and it’s given me so much more besides. Before I put on weight, I was the life and soul of every party, and people said I was a joy to be around. As I got bigger, I lost myself and, to be honest, I felt that I went to quite a dark place mentally. My lack of confidence stopped me going out, which made it hard to maintain my close relationships – I’d lost my love for life. Slimming World has brought the happy, positive, sociable Angharad back, and I finally feel like me again! 

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.