Scrolling through my phone, all I saw was photos of my friends enjoying themselves on nights out. At 18 and recently single, I should’ve been there, too. Everyone looked gorgeous in their outfits, but I knew there was no way I’d feel comfortable in anything tight-fitting. Instead of being a fun part of going out, getting ready had become something I dreaded. When I realised I’d started choosing to sit at home instead of socialising, I knew something had to change. 

My mum had been a Slimming World Consultant, so I’d grown up sitting at the back of her group and seeing how it changed people’s lives, week after week. I already knew that Slimming World’s Food Optimising plan worked, and that going to group could really help with my motivation. There was no reason why I couldn’t get the weight loss I wanted – I just had to take that first step. 

Once I started my Slimming World journey, it didn’t take long to see a difference, both on the scales and in the mirror. Within 12 weeks, I’d lost nearly 2st and felt so much better about myself. That’s not to say it was always easy. Of course, I had to make changes to get the results I wanted, and the support of my Consultant and the group members kept me going, even when I wanted to give up. 

My big issue was snacking. I wasn’t eating proper meals – instead, I was reaching for chocolate bars and crisps. Following the Slimming World plan meant a totally different way of eating, filling up at mealtimes and swapping some of my snacks for healthier alternatives. That’s not to say I couldn’t have treats – I could! In fact, I was running my own business baking cakes and sweet treats at the time. My view is that it’s important to be able to enjoy these things still, as long as it’s in moderation.  

Food Optimising gave me some framework to balance my diet, and I started eating mostly Free Foods (healthy staples such as fruit, veg, meat, eggs, pasta, potatoes and rice), together with other foods I enjoy, in moderation – things like cheese, bread and, yes, even chocolate! 

At my new weight of 9st 11lbs (62kg), I felt so good, both physically and emotionally. I finally had the confidence to wear whatever I wanted, and nights out with my friends were fun again. In group, I learnt how to balance my new social life with maintaining my weight loss. I could still enjoy myself; I just needed to make the right choices for me. 

Around that time, I started thinking about becoming a Slimming World Consultant. There’s a misconception that Slimming World is just for older people, but I’m proof that it works for everyone. And, from my own experience, I know there are many challenges younger people face around their weight that Slimming World can support with.  

For instance, when you have exams or big life changes to deal with, it can be easy to comfort eat – or to keep yourself going with unhealthy snacks, like I did. Also, as you get older, you have more freedom around food. It might have been your mum or dad cooking for you before, but now you’re making your own choices – and there are endless fast-food options on offer.  

When you learn to drive, or start going on nights out, it’s even easier to choose food and drink that contributes to you not feeling your best. And ironically, this can lead to you not socialising and enjoying your life as a teenager or young adult. I felt strongly that I could use my experience to help others, so I decided to take the plunge and apply to run my own group. 

The whole process has been brilliant – and I’ve been supported by Slimming World every step of the way. I loved my training days at Slimming World’s head office in Derbyshire, and came away with a deep understanding of the science and psychology of slimming, together with the skills needed to run my own business as a Consultant. Standing up in front of my group for the first time, I felt fully prepared to help Slimming World members achieve the weight loss they deserve. 

That was about a year ago, and my group has gone from strength to strength. I’ve found the perfect role for me, and I love passing on my knowledge and experience to my members. The fact that I was in their shoes just 18 months ago means I truly understand what it’s taken for them to decide to join – and the challenges that come with losing weight. It also means I know for a fact that the plan works – if I can do it, so can they! 

And it’s not just about the weight loss in my group... it’s also about boosting confidence, becoming healthier, making friends and having fun! I decided to drop my own target weight by half a stone, taking my total weight loss to 2st 5lbs (15kg). This feels like the right weight for me, and I’ve never felt better. I’d say to anyone thinking about making a change for themselves, just go for it – you won’t regret it! 

Are you interested in joining us and getting your dream weight loss result? Explore two great ways to join here

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.