When I was at my heaviest, I felt constantly tired – even standing up was hard work. I remember being at my aunt’s 60th birthday party on the beach, trying to enjoy myself, when I realised I was the only one sitting down. Everyone else was up, dancing and having fun. I suddenly felt so self-conscious, and it really brought home to me how much I was missing out on. 

I’d had issues with my weight throughout my teenage years, though things did get better as I became an adult. Then I had my two children and, because they were much longed for, being a mother quickly took priority over everything else – and my weight suffered as a result.  

Recently, I’d started to feel like I was letting the boys down. I was too unfit to kneel on the ground to build sandcastles, and running around after them on the beach would leave me struggling for breath.

Making time for me

My cousin had just lost 2st with Slimming World and said that she felt amazing. I thought, ‘Maybe I could do that, too...’. It felt like the right time to put myself first again. When I walked through Slimming World’s doors, though, there was a little voice in my head telling me, ‘You’ll never stick to it’. Thankfully, the Consultant and the other members quickly helped me to silence it! Everyone I met was so positive about the plan and supportive of each other’s journeys. I’d never really attempted to lose weight before, so I hadn’t been sure what to expect, but I left that session feeling really motivated. 

Before I joined, I thought I’d be eating tiny portions and, because I’m vegetarian, I was slightly worried that any weight loss plan would be too restrictive for me. I couldn’t have been more wrong, though – at my new member talk, I discovered that there are so many vegetarian foods you can eat freely on the Slimming World plan.

Best of all, because Food Optimising is based around everyday foods, the whole family can eat whatever you cook – my husband, James, has lost 4½st just by having the same dinners as me. One of our favourite meals is a delicious cheesy pasta dish that’s packed with tasty vegetables and really filling. 

Start the exciting journey towards your fabulous new life today!

Hitting my stride

I was totally inactive before I lost weight – to be honest, the idea of exerting myself or being out of breath was my worst nightmare! But Slimming World’s physical activity programme helped me to improve my fitness at my own pace. I live near the coast in a beautiful part of the country, so I started making the most of it by going on lovely walks. As my confidence grew, I joined a gym and gradually built up to working out four or five times a week. Now, it’s just a part of my daily routine. As I began to love and respect my body more, I realised I wanted to treat it as well as I could. For me, that means eating nutritious food and moving my body in a way that makes me feel good.  

Of course, wearing fashionable clothes and feeling confident is a huge bonus. The most important change, though, is that I’m now the mum I always wanted to be. My family is fit, active and happy – and that’s all I could ever ask for. My days of sitting on the sidelines are over, too. If there’s a party now, I’m the first one out of my chair!

Leanne’s day on a plate




Four slices of thick white toast spread with butter.

Low-sugar granola using my Syns, topped with fat-free natural yogurt and sliced banana.


A cheese and onion sandwich on thick white bread with a packet of crisps.

Usually a big, colourful home-made pasta salad.


A Chinese takeaway or pizza.

Veggie sausages, Slimming World chips and baked beans or mushy peas.


Crisps, crumpets spread with butter.

Fat-free natural yogurt with fresh fruit, Slimming World Hi-fi bars.

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.