Read Mary’s story below or watch her tell it in her own words here:

I’d struggled with my weight for years before I fell pregnant with my son, Freddie. During the pregnancy, I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, and my weight and high blood pressure were probably factors in that. Freddie was born seven weeks prematurely, as he’d stopped growing due to the weak blood flow from my placenta.

I wanted to be healthier for my son, so I decided to try slimming down through intermittent fasting. I did lose a little bit of weight before I conceived my second son, Walter. It soon went back on, though, and as a mum of two small boys, I found it difficult to make myself and my health a priority. 

Around the time Freddie was due to start school in 2016, I began to worry that he’d get picked on because of my size, and it was that fear that led me to join Slimming World. The group was nothing like the stereotypes I’d seen on TV. I was met with warmth, care and support from the Consultant and other members – it was amazing. 

My previous slimming attempts had left me hungry and irritable, so I was expecting the same from Food Optimising. I couldn’t believe it when I realised I could cook tasty, family-friendly meals like spaghetti bolognese, Moroccan tagines with couscous and chilli with home-made chips. At Slimming World, no food is banned. There are hundreds of things you can eat freely to satisfy your appetite, and everything else is either measured or counted to protect your weight loss. I lost 7st in 10 months! 

Becoming fitter was a big part of my Slimming World journey, as I’d never really been active before – I was too embarrassed about being red in the face and out of puff. However, the Body Magic activity programme encourages you to get moving at your own pace and in a way that fits in with your lifestyle. So instead of joining a gym, I started out by adding more walking to my daily routine. I’d walk Freddie to nursery and then go on to my Slimming World group. Eventually, I progressed to running around the block, and slowly stepped it up to running a 10K race, which was a very proud moment. I love that I’m setting a positive example for my boys, who are 11 and 8 years old now. For Christmas this year, they even asked for running shoes because they wanted to start coming jogging with me!  

After losing 7st, I felt so positive, energised and full of life – a world away from the person I was before. I wanted to bottle that feeling and give it to everyone who had ever struggled with their weight, so becoming a Slimming Word Consultant seemed the logical next step. 

I thought losing weight was the best feeling ever, but it turns out helping others to lose weight is just as rewarding. After having the children, I wanted a career I loved and flexibility, so I could be there for the school runs and sports days. I get all that and so much more from running my own group. 

Seven years later, I’m still at target. The best advice I could give to anyone else looking for long-term weight loss is: accept that you do have to make changes. Nobody wants to ‘diet’ for the rest of their lives, but the Slimming World plan isn’t a diet – I never feel like I’m missing out. 

Eating healthily and exercising is just second nature now, and it was my Slimming World group that helped me get to this point. The deeper thinking about potential pitfalls that you’re encouraged to do in group, combined with all the ideas from other members, helped me to find what worked for me. Now, at 42, I’m a fit and active mum who can easily keep up with her boys – and that is just the best feeling! 

Mary’s day on a plate




A bowl of sugary cereal.

Fresh fruit and fat-free natural Greek yogurt during the week, and on weekends, a cooked brekkie of grilled bacon (visible fat removed), scrambled or poached eggs (cooked without fat) and beans, with some Healthy Extra ‘b’ toast.


Shop-bought baguette and crisps.

Home-made crustless quiche with a large mixed salad.


A ready-made pizza served with garlic bread.

Spag bol made the Slimming World way, or chicken fajitas with refried beans, salsa and taco shells, using my Syns.


Slices of bread with cheese, salami and pâté.

A Synned glass of wine.

What’s on your wish list for 2024? Whatever your dream, Slimming World can help you achieve it.   

Start your exciting journey towards your amazing new life today!