I joined Slimming World after having my fourth child. I’d been diagnosed with gestational diabetes due to my weight, and had a high-risk pregnancy and birth. I was already a mum-of-three, so I felt doubly guilty that I’d put both my unborn daughter and myself at risk. Luckily, my delivery was fine and Ariel was perfect. I knew I needed to make some changes, though, so as soon as she was six weeks old, I joined my local Slimming World group

Learning about the Food Optimising plan, I was surprised to discover I’d be eating the normal, everyday food that I loved – just cooked in a healthier way. I’d come to believe that carbs were the enemy if you wanted to lose weight, so when I heard that potatoes were an unlimited Free Food I was thrilled! Chips are my favourite food – although mine were always deep-fried and smothered in cheese and mayonnaise before. Instead, I made Slimming World chips in the oven, and they hit the spot without any need for the full-fat added extras. 

That first week, I filled up on Free Food – with potatoes aplenty! I was blown away when I stepped on the scales and had lost 8½lbs – especially as I’d enjoyed a Curly Wurly every evening as a treat. That was when I really started to believe I’d found a way to lose weight that worked.  

I loved that there was no faffing about with the Food Optimising plan. With four children under three, including a six-week-old baby, I didn’t have time for lots of preparation – I just needed food that I could grab and fill up on. You don’t have to weigh Free Foods and there are hundreds of them to choose from – lean meat, pasta, fruit and veg and, of course, potatoes – so there’s never any reason to go hungry.  

I also loved that my kids could eat the same meals as me – and they’ve grown up enjoying delicious family dinners and they eat a balanced diet that includes lots of different fruit and vegetables. I never want them to go through the same weight struggles that I have, and I feel confident that I’ve given them a great foundation of healthy eating. 

Check out five easy family dinners

Slimming World members will find more family-friendly recipes – plus snack ideas and tips for picky eaters – on our member-exclusive app and website

During my weight loss journey, I never felt deprived or like I was missing out. I could still have my favourite comfort foods, like cheesy chips with gravy, mac ’n’ cheese and roast dinners. There are more than 2,000 recipes on the app, including ones for lasagne and curry. Whatever you fancy, there’s a slimming-friendly version to try. 

Of course, I faced some challenges along the way, but my Slimming World group always helped me to find a solution. Being so busy, I realised that meal planning was key for me – that, and making sure that the fruit bowl was kept full. I also chose to change the way that I socialised with friends. Initially, I swapped my favourite lagers and ciders for gin, but then I realised that I didn’t need the alcohol to enjoy myself. Now I only drink at weddings, and I don’t miss it at all. That’s not to say you can’t drink on the Slimming World plan – you can, it just wasn’t something that was important to me. I’d rather have my chips and cheese and a Curly Wurly! 

Make Clare’s comfort food faves...

The plan worked so well for me that when the opportunity came up to become a Slimming World Consultant, I decided to go for it. I was working in customer services at the time, and fed up with missing school plays and sports days. I wanted a truly flexible career, and a self-employed role with Slimming World offered exactly that. Now I run my own group, which I find really fulfilling, and my earnings mean that I’m making dreams come true for my family, like buying a holiday home at Butlin’s. 

Losing 4st with Slimming World has changed my life beyond measure – especially how I am as a mum. I can play football with my kids and run around after them at the park. I take them swimming regularly, which I never did before, because I didn’t want to wear a swimsuit in public. And now, not only am I always there for sports day – I’m fit and confident enough to join in the fun!

To anyone who might be thinking of joining Slimming World but is a little bit doubtful or nervous, I’d say, ‘Just do it!’ I’d tried some awful fad diets before – the cabbage soup one and a plan where I just ate cottage cheese and crackers. To discover something that offers a range of unlimited foods, with no hassle and no restriction, was a revelation. Just do it for a week – you won’t look back! 

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