• 24-year-old Matthew lost an incredible total of 16st 9lbs (105kg) to be eligible to donate a kidney through the UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme (UKLSS). It meant that his sister received a donor kidney, following her diagnosis of kidney failure.

  • Before losing weight, Matthew spent more than £6,000 a year on takeaways and fast food alone.

  • When he weighed 31st 3lbs (198kg), he couldn’t fit behind the wheel of his dream car, a vintage Mini Cooper – but since joining Slimming World, he’s bought his own!

  • Matthew has been named Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2024, after losing the final 10st 5lbs (66kg) with the help of his local group.

Sitting in front of my doctor and hearing the words, ‘You’ll be lucky to make it to the end of the year’ really hit home. At 19 years old, I weighed 31st (197kg) and was starting to realise that I was taking myself down a dark path – but it was hard to see how I could turn things around. 

It was my dad who gave me the determination to make a change – he really encouraged and believed in me. At the time, my sister Emma was experiencing kidney failure, and I was eating my way to an early grave – so it was a lot for my family to deal with.

I’d already started losing weight when we got the news that Emma needed an organ transplant. Everyone in the family got tested but unfortunately, despite being a good match, my overall health and my weight meant I wasn’t a viable candidate. None of us were an exact match, but we did have other options.   

We learned about the UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme (UKLSS), an initiative that allows me to donate my kidney to anyone who is a match, and in turn gives my sister a greater chance of finding a match herself. That was a big turning point for me. From then on, I knew what I needed to do. Not only did I need to make changes for my own long-term health, but for Emma’s as well. 

I lost a good amount of weight on my own (with lots of encouragement and daily walks with Dad), but I still felt that I had a long way to go. I bumped into a friend who looked great and told me he’d lost weight with Slimming World. He talked about his group, and it sounded like just what I needed, so I decided to give it a go. 

I went on to lose another 10st 5lbs (66kg) with the help of my Slimming World group – 16st 9lbs (105kg) in total. I’ve found such a huge support network within my group – it really does feel like one big family. Kerrie, my Consultant, and the members of the Latchford group have helped me to become a version of myself that I love, with absolutely no judgement along the way. I think my experience just goes to show how important it is to have the support of a community. Losing weight on your own can feel quite lonely, but now I’m surrounded by people who understand the challenges that weight-related issues bring.

I’ve been a carer for my mum since I was six years old, and I always found it difficult to eat healthily. Before I lost weight, my diet was full of processed, high-sugar foods. I would often skip breakfast and spend the day eating snacks between meals. I’d also order takeaways out of convenience – and I added up that in one year, I’d spent more than £6,000 on takeout food alone! 

Joining Slimming World meant that I was properly thinking about what I was eating for the first time in my life. I learnt about the types of foods that would keep me fuller for longer, and which foods were more likely to make me go off track. I also realised that staying to group each week was important for me, too, as the support and motivation I got there was what really made those habits stick. Nowadays, I eat healthily by default – it’s like second nature to me. 

A typical morning always starts with a filling breakfast that sets me up for the day, and Slimming World has taught me the importance of having a varied diet. I don’t ever feel restricted, and I still eat my favourite meals like cheeseburger pasta and air-fryer nuggets – I just prepare and cook them differently now. I have a big appetite, so I love that Food Optimising doesn’t restrict me in that sense. I think that’s played a huge part in my success. 

Before, I’d sit in my room for hours playing video games with the blinds closed – now, I can’t wait to get up and go for a stroll! I walk about four miles on my lunch break, and some days I’ll go for another walk with my dad when I get home. 

I’ve also started hiking, and in the past year I’ve climbed Snowdon, and more recently Scafell Pike in the Lake District. I’m doing things now that I could only dream of before. As I lost more weight, I started to feel much more confident in myself, which meant that I was more open to going out and meeting new people. I’ve since met my girlfriend, Anna, who’s a Slimming World member, too, so we keep each other on track!

When I look back on what my life was like before I lost weight, I just don’t recognise that version of myself any more. A few years down the line and almost 17st lighter, I’ve finally been accepted into the UKLSS, so later this year it’s likely that I’ll become a donor to someone in need of a kidney. This will make such a huge difference to my sister’s chances of receiving a new organ herself. For me to be able to help my sister in this way means everything. 

Another amazing thing that’s come from losing weight is my Racing Green Mini Cooper SPI, called Victory, named after my grandad, Victor. We’ve always gone to car shows together, and I was desperate to sit in the classic Mini Coopers, but I simply couldn’t fit in them. The week before I bought Victory, we went along to a show – and I could finally get behind the wheel! 

My grandad has helped me cover the costs of repairs and is ecstatic with the progress I’ve made, so it felt only right to name it in his honour. I love to drive Victory, and the car reminds me of how far I’ve come. I’m the same person, but I’ve unlocked a new chapter of my life. I’m looking forward to living life to the fullest with my loved ones by my side – and if that isn’t a victory, I don’t know what is!

February 2025: An update on Matthew’s story

We’re delighted to share the fantastic news that Matthew successfully donated a kidney in January, which meant that his sister Emma could have her operation to receive a healthy kidney from another donor. Both Matthew and Emma are doing well, and we wish them all the very best from Slimming World. 

Matthew says: ‘Losing weight with Slimming World really has been life-changing for me and my family. One thing that helped me during difficult times, if I felt frustrated or like I could’ve done better, was remembering that falling off isn’t failing if you get back up!’ 

Matthew’s day on a plate





Home-cooked omelette made with lean ham, onions and grated cheese, or scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast.


A sandwich, or a takeaway such as pie and chips. 

Leftovers from the night before (often Slimming World-style pasta or chilli), taken to work and warmed up.


Frozen oven food, such as chicken strips and chips, or a takeaway.

Lean steak and home-made sweet potato chips made with low-calorie cooking spray, served with salad.  


A tub of ice cream, bags of sweets, family-size bags of crisps.

Yogurt with meringue nests and berries, two Slimming World Hi-fi bars, a small packet of crisps or a chocolate bar.

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.