I first discovered sailing at school, when I was given a place on a course that offered activity opportunities to disadvantaged children. I was a quiet, shy child who was targeted by bullies, and the sailing club became a sanctuary to me – somewhere I could leave all my troubles behind. I treasured my time on the water and, over the years, my instructor John Mulingani became a father figure to me. 

While I had struggled a little with my weight, it had never been a major problem as I was always so active. As an adult, though, finding time for sailing proved more difficult, especially once I started a family. Extra pounds slowly crept on, and with them came arthritis in my back – which made doing any kind of activity even more challenging.

Eventually, my GP suggested that a referral to Slimming World* might help – not realising that I’d already tried it twice before. Both times, I hadn’t fully committed, as I’d stopped going to group and regained all the weight I’d lost. I did have to think twice before joining for a third time, but at over 15½st (98kg), I was the heaviest I’d ever been. I needed to do something.  

It was one photograph that made up my mind. I run my own business wrapping vehicles with promotional logos (which is quite a physical job), and one of my clients snapped a shot of me hard at work. When he showed me the picture, my heart sank – I barely recognised myself.  

So, in February 2019, I found myself joining my third Slimming World group – still unsure if I would find the resolve to stick with it. I needn’t have worried, though. It turned out that the support of my Consultant and the other members was exactly what I needed in my life at that time – people who believed in me, more than I believed in myself.  

Things started well, with a few weeks of steady losses, but then I hit a plateau and my enthusiasm began to wane (as it had in the past). When I turned up at group to find that I’d had a small gain for the third week in a row, my first instinct was to get out of there. 

Rummaging for my car keys, I was heading out the door when I heard Maggie, my Consultant, say, ‘Jen, please don't leave. You’ve come so far already. Take a seat and stay to group – we can deal with any setbacks together.’ 

Sitting down, I had to admit she was right. I knew I needed to be more accountable and honest with myself, as I was the one ultimately making my own food choices. There were still many ups and downs to come, but from that moment onwards, I found a new determination to see it through – and with Maggie’s help, I realised that staying to group was a big part of that.  

Once I was fully committed, I found that I loved the Food Optimising-friendly meals I made. My sweet chilli beef (made with lean mince, a low-Syn stir-fry sauce and fresh mint from the garden) became a favourite.  

As my weight came down, I grew interested in Slimming World’s physical activity support programme, Body Magic. I wondered what activities I might enjoy, and my thoughts turned to the nearby Tamworth Sailing Club. Maybe it was time I tried my hand at sailing again? The moment I was back on the water, everything came flooding back, and it felt as though I was where I was supposed to be. I think the best thing, though, was that I felt so close to my late mentor John again. He’d been such an important part of my life, and I was devastated when he passed away in 2011. 

By November 2023, I’d hit my target weight of 10st 7lbs (67kg), a loss of 5st (32kg). I no longer needed to take painkillers for my arthritis, and everything felt easier – not just the sailing. It used to be the case that after a hard day at work, I’d need two days to recover. Now I can work all the hours I want to, sometimes getting up at dawn and carrying on long into the night. It’s been a great boost to my business.  

Recently, I achieved another major milestone when I qualified as a sailing instructor! John’s family even got in touch to tell me how proud of me he would have been. In tribute to John, I’ve named my boat after him, and when I take newcomers out for the first time, I say one of his many catchphrases: ‘Let’s go sailing!’ It means so much to be able to pass on the skills he taught me all those years ago – skills that, along with my weight loss, have made all the difference to my life. 

*Slimming World on Referral provides the opportunity to join a Slimming World group – or Slimming World Online in some areas – fully funded for at least 12 weeks. Memberships are typically funded by local authorities or the NHS. To find out if Slimming World on Referral is available near you and whether you’re eligible, check your local council website, or with your GP or local healthcare professional. 

Find out more about the two ways to join Slimming World

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.